Halloween Silly Fruit Bites

Serving 16 pieces
Preparation Time 20 mins
Skill Easy

2 Red Apples
2 Green Apples
4 Strawberries
¼ cup Sunflower Seeds
¼ cup Peanut Butter
¼ cup Raspberry Jam
32 Candy Eyes*
Water with 1 tbsp lemon juice

*Available at your nearest FairPrice store

  1. Cut apples into quarters and slice away the apple cores.
  2. Make cuts on the apple skin to form the shape of a mouth.
  3. Mix 1 tbsp of lemon juice to a bowl of water and dip the apple slices into it to prevent them from browning.
  4. Insert sunflower seeds into the apple slices’ “mouth” to form “teeth”.
  5. Cut strawberries into slices.
  6. Apply peanut butter or jam on one side of strawberry slice and stick it on the apple slice to form a “tongue”.
  7. Stick the candy eyes on the apple slices with peanut butter. Create different variations of your silly fruit bites!
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